Today I painted the names onto the unit champions in the Daughters of Khaine army, and put them into "storage" (a drawer in a cabinet). I really want to put them on display but I just don't have the shelf space for it in my Detolfs!
The army - three Regiments and the Endless Spells. It comes to something in the region of 1,500 points
I'm really pleased with the end result and think that the final overall effect is very striking. The red hair and silver armour ties them all together while the varied snake morphs give the units individuality too.
Having done that, I turned to my Pile of Opportunity and had a rummage. Quite quickly I settled on painting up the Chaos Cult that I built a while ago for Mordheim. These are made from the 40K Chaos Cultists with a ton of bits from my Warhammer bits boxes - mostly parts from the Free Company / Mordheim Mercenaries sprues with some spare shields and other random parts to turn them into fantasy cultists rather than science fantasy cultists. I want to hint at the cult leaning towards Slaanesh more in their worship so have opted for a black and purple scheme with white detailing on the clothes. To that end I have done all the main metalwork and the base coat and wash for the purple elements:
I really like these minis and have a bunch of them for my Iron Warriors army as well. The whole warband here consists of:
2 Possessed
3 Mutants (I only need two but I had three minis, so... options!)
2 Darksouls
3 Cultists with shields and clubs
3 Cultists with swords and daggers
3 Cultists with bows and clubs
I could - and probably should - look to add a couple of Beastmen, but for those I really want some of the Mordheim Beastmen that were released for the Empire In Flames supplement back in the early 2000s. So that'll be something for the future!