In order of painting:
The Pantokrator, leader of the Pantokrator's Fallen Men (1,500 point Chaos Space Marine army for Warhammer 40,000)
The Legione Nera, seen here without their officers, for Action Group 32/The Wilde Bunch and VBCW Big Game II.
Praetor of Orpheus, late of 3rd Squad, 9th (Devastator) Reserve Company. Now in the Fallen Men.
Just for fun - the Pantokrator and his bodyguard!
Oh, and as for the games of Necromunda the Automatics had last night: I played two Gang Fights and won the first in five minutes (largely thanks to the Autocannon and a really badly placed enemy Heavy) and lost the second in fifteen. Upshot: No deaths, Ded Cred gets his Heavy Stubber, and some decent advances (both my Leader and a Ganger got the skill Armourer after the first game! I was stunned!).
Go West etc
17 hours ago
Some very good painting there, and your best photos of your figures yet. Congrats on the Necroblunder outcome!