Well, after far too long in my possession, last night I finally finished the bad guys from the Hybrid set that JY gave me to paint, and with them, the whole commission.
So here they are:
A lot accomplished with washes and glazing - simple but robust and effective paintjobs that will, I hope, stand up the rigours of boardgame usage. Storage for the playing pieces needs to be sorted out by JY though: I don't rate their survival intact very highly if they don't get a foam tray to themselves!
In other news, I am waiting for the first stage of the bases on a squad (brood) of 10 Tyranid Termagants to dry so I can finish them off and take pictures for here and - eventually - my eBay shop. And there are two squads of 10 Black Legionnaires sat on my painting table looking menacingly at me and awaiting the first layer of metallics...
It's a hard life, painting for money!
Painting Points:
This week: 8 (1 each for the green-skirted chaps and tiny gribblies, 2 for the big monster)
2013: 74 (34x 28mm, 2x 54mm, 2x tanks)
FiveCore Pulp Adventure - Cult of Cthulhu
3 hours ago
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