Many years ago - about a decade, in fact - I started what was to become my most used army in Warhammer 40,000: the XV Karaboudjani Kataphraktoi heavy infantry. They have fought through three editions of 40K, entered a tournament (I came third... from last), and been both defeated and victorious more times than I can remember. Dedicated to the Dark Powers of Chaos, they have been my go-to force for a long time indeed.
And now it's time to get rid of them. I have begun to evolve the army into a hard core of veterans, representing the survivors of their numerous campaigns. A strike force of Chaos-worshipping, independence-driven, carapace-armour wearing, sharpshooting, piratical raiders, hellbent on causing as much damage to the Imperium before (inevitably) they all die.
Which means that the regular line company that they originally were - 'B' Company 2nd Battalion XV Kataphraktoi - has to go. It looks like this:
Company Command Squad
'Commissar' and Primaris Psyker
'A' Platoon HQ
'A' Platoon 1 Squad
'A' Platoon 2 Squad
'A' Platoon 3 Squad
'A' Platoon Anti-Tank Squad
'B' Platoon HQ Squad
'B' Platoon 1 Squad
'B' Platoon 2 Squad
'B' Platoon 3 Squad
'B' Platoon Mortar Squad
'C' Platoon HQ Squad
'C' Platoon 1 Squad
'C' Platoon 2 Squad
'C' Platoon 3 Squad
'C' Platoon Assault Squad
1,500 point army there, folks. All painted and based and ready to roll straight out of the parcel... because it's for sale over at my eBay shop for a starting bid of £299.99 or a buy it now price of £500. Pretty reasonable considering the cost of it new is £298.50 or something (and that's without the cool little conversions and old metal figures, too)!
Bolt Action: Operation Torch Part 3
12 hours ago
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