Last night I went rooting around in the drawer marked "Necromunda and Necrons" which contains, you guessed it, unpainted Necromunda and Necron miniatures. I discovered a load of Warriors, five Flayed Ones, ten Immortals, and five Pariahs. The Warriors were about half done, the Flayed Ones were undercoated, and of the Immortals and Pariahs, only five Immortals have been undercoated. So I scooped up the Warriors and Flayed Ones and took them upstairs to my painting station. Today, I did some painting!
These are the plastic Flayed Ones, and though I recall the kit being a bit of a pain to assemble they painted up easily and nicely |
The Warriors - all 24 of them - had previously been got to a point where half had had their green glow applied and half hadn't. Today's work got them to this point:
All that I need to do now is to paint the black bits - the wires and gun casings - then gloss varnish the green areas, and base them. Should be able to crack through that tomorrow or maybe by the end of the weekend.
Painting Points:
Today: 5
This Week: 13
2024: 172 (313)
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