Monday, 9 December 2024

The Ten Thousand

Of Xerxes, the Shahanshah, are not, in fact, what I'm painting at the moment. But they are Immortals - Necron Immortals. I managed to get them done today, which was nice, and means that all the undercoated Necrons I own are done. Hurrah! 

Shinier than the Warriors, because they're more important

And now I can make a start on the Red Redemption lot, I think. Lots of red, yellow, and metal (as well as flames) so that should be quite a striking look when finished. 

Painting Points:
Today: 5
This Week: 5
2024: 191 (342)


  1. Always nice to finish off a collection... even if only temporarily! These look great!

    1. Thank you! Yes - I'm very pleased with the way they came out.
