Sunday, 23 March 2025

Death-Kill To The Enemy-Things!

I managed to get the Poison Wind Globadiers and the Warpfire Thrower done today which is is nice, it's really got me in the rat-man mood. I think I'll do the Gutter Runners next - I've got ten of them, plus a Tunnel Marker. 

Clan Skrye globadiers, with their trademark glass spheres full of poison gas. Tesseract Glow works really nicely for Warpstone sort of stuff

I really like the fantasy steampunk gas-mask rebreathers they've got

The Warpfire Thrower team painted up nicely too; the Agrax Earthshade is a real secret sauce for Skaven honestly.

It's interesting that the one in the back is clearly a Skaven slave, with manacles

Ready to critically fail, exploding and dying, on turn one of every game

I like the splash of red and might well use it throughout the army, but it's definitely going to be the spot colour for one of the Clanrat regiments

The dark wood on the fuel tank blends into the dark bronze a bit, but ah well

I need to have a look at the Skaven army list I've constructed, because I'm pretty sure the models I have aren't quite right for it. But that's for later. For now, with these done, my Skaven army now has five finished models - these and a Grey Seer!

Painting Points:
Today: 5
This Week: 21
2025: 179

Saturday, 22 March 2025

When In Doubt, Agrax It

As a clear sign of aging, I have spent most of today asleep and feeling like I've been hit by a bus. My partner P and I are pretty convinced that it's due to the air pressure as there's been a thunderstorm and now it's gone we seem to be a bit more active. Anyway, I did manage to do a tiny bit of painting:


I hit the rats with an overall wash of Agrax Earthshade, and you can immediately see what a difference it makes. Skill in a bottle. I should be able to get them done tomorrow, body and mind permitting.

Friday, 21 March 2025

Stink-Gas The Man-Things!

Today has been mostly about blocking out colours on Skaven in preparation for an Agrax Earthshade wash, which has been quite fun. It took me a long time to work out how best to paint the wee squeakers, but the Mordheim Skaven warband I did a few years ago came out really well thanks to Agrax Earthshade, so I'm hoping that these ones will end up just as nice:

I've gone for very basic cloth colours on the Globadiers and the Warpfire Thrower team, but gave the gunner a red hood because I'm going to give the regiment they're attached to red hoods. The Globadiers on the other hand aren't attached to anything and so have a much more generic scheme. Tomorrow I hope to have finished them - it'll mostly be hitting them with Agrax, doing a highlight pass on the colours, and then detailing (red eyes, warpstone, etc).

Thursday, 20 March 2025

Venerable Ancients, Tell Us Your Wisdom

Shoot the stabby things and stab the shooty things, mostly.

I knuckled down today and got the two Venerable Dreadnoughts done for my Angels of Redemption Deathwing army, which is now essentially complete except for the two Dreadnought Drop Pods I need to pick up from my friend R, who 3D-printed them for me. 

I ended up going for a more mural approach on the Dreadnought to the left rather than the "stained glass" that I did on my similarly constructed Deathwatch Dreadnought

Both these lascannons come from the same kit, but the ability to build them even slightly differently really makes a difference to how they look on the table

Soot-stained exhaust stacks and Mechanicus seals - yes, it's 40K

You can really see the size difference between the 3rd Edition plastic missile launcher on the left and the 2nd Edition metal one on the right, as well as the design cues that were kept and which were added or changed

Taken together these really add a lot of ranged anti-armour punch to an otherwise quite sparsely armed list - these and two Cyclones are the sum total of long-range anti-tank in the army, but woe betide anything that gets up close to so many power fists.

Next up on the painting table are some smelly Skaven - Poison Wind Globadiers, to be exact. Unless I change my mind tomorrow, in which case who knows...

Painting Points:
Today: 10
This Week: 16
2025: 174

Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Even In Death They Still Serve

A small update today, concerning the last little bit of my 2,000 point 4th Edition Deathwing army:


These two are equipped with twin-linked lascannons and missile launchers (as well as smoke launchers). They're both the Venerable Dreadnought kit, but the one on the right has a metal missile launcher that I got through, I think, Facebook. Adds to the air of age, I feel. And makes it pretty hefty. Not quite as hefty as the all-metal ones from 2nd Edition, but hefty enough.

This is actually the second time these have reached this stage - I initially got them to this point then realised I'd painted the cream and green on the wrong halves. This was very demoralising! But now they match the Terminators:

I'm hoping to get them done this week. Eagle-eyed readers may also spot some creatures lurking behind the Dreadnoughts that I hand undercoated today...

Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Sing To The Gods

The Dark Master calls! The Winds of Chaos blow strong! The Cult of the Possessed has arrived with the completion of the Magistrix:

The strange fleshy creature on the stave was originally going to be blue
A very regency-era silhouette here with the enormous bum
Not hugely pleased with the horn, but it works at a distance and she is, most importantly, complete
I really like the graven demonic faces on her pauldrons

Tomorrow I'm going to pivot back to the 41st Millenium and do some Angels of Redemption Dreadnoughts for my Deathwing army. But for now, I'm celebrating the completion of the Cult of the Possessed!

The completed cult, at least until I get some Beastmen

Painting Points:
Today: 1
This Week: 6
2025: 164

Monday, 17 March 2025

Blessed And Possessed

As Powerwolf sing. Today I finished the Mutants and I also cracked on with the Possessed and finished those too! Excellent stuff. Back on track? I hope so; I've rather missed painting actually. Anyway you're not here for the rambling, have some photos of the Blessed:

L-R: Mutant with tentacle blackblood, axe, and sword; Mutant with great claw and axe; Mutant with tentacle, hideous, and sword

I really enjoyed painting the eyes on the Hideous Mutant, even though I'm not sure he'll see the field. He wields a sword taken from the old Empire State Troops kit that came out in the late 1990s

The Warhammer weapons really seamlessly go with the 40K minis; it's almost like they were made to be turned into fantasy cultists

The fleshy tube underneath the middle mutant's left arm is actually originally some kind of future-gubbins, but painted up properly it looks like a herniated organ of some sort

And the Possessed:

L-R: Possessed with daemon soul and tentacles; Possessed with daemon soul and great claw

I had no choice but to paint the tentacles like some kind of octopus is forcing its way out of her

The other poor sod with the hideous raw bloody clawing monstrosity emerging from him is much more "classically" possessed

I dunno about you but I wouldn't want to meet either of these two in a dark alleyway

And with that the Cult of the Possessed is nearly done - just the Magistrix to do now. I'd like to add some Beastmen at some point but I don't have any suitable minis that I can think of at the moment, so they'll have to wait until my purchasing moratorium has ended.

Painting Points:
Today: 5
This Week: 5
2025: 163


Saturday, 15 March 2025

Where Did I Go

Hail and well met, fellow perusers of miniature figure blogs, etc etc. Apologies for the 11 day absence - a variety of things happened, such as "not painting anything", going to Gritlands 4 LARP as crew (I got to be a hologram King Arthur!), and contracting norovirus which led to a very unpleasant couple of days. Anyway I finally sat down and did the tiniest bit of painting today, which has got my Cult of the Possessed Mutants to this point:

Which is to say about half done or thereabouts. I have to sort out the black areas, do the wood and leather, highlight the skin and do details like hair, horns, and hideous mutations as well as, of course, touching up any mistakes.

I'd like to say I can probably get these done tomorrow, and while I almost certainly could the question remains if I will actually spend the time painting that I need to. We'll see.

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Brethren Assemble!

I finally did it. I finished off the last Brethren - the group with swords and daggers and the group with bows and clubs. That just leaves the Magistrix, the Possessed, and the Mutants. I'll probably try and get the Mutants done next, but that's for tomorrow. For now, have some photos:

The skintones look quite nice, if possibly a little too healthy. Ah well, must be the blessings of the Dark Powers

The hand swaps and arm swaps are almost unnoticable - you wouldn't necessarily know these have been converted which is always a good thing I think

The red and yellow cloth on the woman on the right could probably have done with a bit of green stuff or something to join the two parts, but it just looks like a ragged bit of banner so it turned out ok in the end

The reason for the amputated hands and the red cloth is, of course, to cover up areas where the original mini had holes or gaps left over after removal of the grenade launcher

For some reason the models I decided to use for the archers are the most scarred and injured!

I didn't actually mean to make the side plate on the centre archer have gold trim; none of the others do

If you can't hit them with an arrow, hit them with a club

The purple and black is really striking! I tried to make the hair colours different, so there's a redhead and a brunette in this trio

 It feels good to have finally finished some minis again. I'm quite busy this month so I'm hoping to get more done than February but it's unlikely I'll hit the heights of January until April. My aim is to get at least the Mutants done this week.

Painting Points:
Today: 6
This Week: 6
2025: 158


Monday, 3 March 2025

Are They Indeed Accursed?

They should have been done today, really, but I started painting too late in the day and had other things to do which meant that now the Brethren are really almost very nearly done. I "just" need to do the gold, some minor detailing, and some touch-ups and they'll be there. Tomorrow - I swear by the eight sacred paths!

They'll be nice when they're done, but in the meantime they aren't half annoying now.