Friday, 3 January 2025

Cawdor Done At Last

Or, to be more accurate, all the Cawdor stuff I own is finished now. I don't actually have all the Cawdor stuff Games Workshop makes, there's a couple more special characters and some Ash Wastes stuff they do as well that, I expect, at some point, I might pick up. Assuming I can paint another 290-odd models before July. 

The Headsman (a special Hired Gun) and a Stig-Shambler. Apparently the heavy stubber is a bad choice, but I preferred the look to the heavy flamer, so I went for that when I made it

I like how filthy and dirty the wash makes them look

Sadly the gunner slightly broke; if you look at some older photos there's another candle on a stick behind her head, but it snapped. Ah well

Despite large areas of cloth that could probably do with a bit of highlighting, I decided to leave it because it looks much grimier than otherwise

I also wrote up the handwritten list that catalogues my Pile of Opportunity. So far I'm at 1,590 (it was 1,592 until I finished these two models!) and I still have to count my AK47 Republic stuff. Should only take about 795 days' of work to get through, hardly any time at all really if you ask me.

Painting Points:
Today: 2
This Week: 9
2025: 9

Thursday, 2 January 2025

Random Assortment

Today I painted one mini from undercoat to completion, and finished off the bases of some others for some nice quick wins. I also got to the point where I've very nearly counted almost every unpainted miniature I have: I just need to dig out my 15mm AK47 Republic file boxes and see what's left to do there. I know there was a fair chunk of stuff back when I was last working on them some... errr... twenty years ago. 

In the meantime, here's what I did today:

Spiders! These are from the Warcry spider cult warband, but I've repurposed them for random Necromunda critters

A Ral Partha mini, and a companion to the executioner and headsman's block I did the other day. She represents the 15th and last Pain Token for my Dark Eldar

The dark brown highlights on her hair didn't come out in this photo very well, sadly, but hey ho

This is Porcelain, a D&D Warforged character I drew up for a game a while ago. The mini is a 3D print from... somewhere? R, my friend, who currently has my 3D printer, printed her off a while ago

She might be all curves but she's magic-powered metal and deadly with it

I particularly like how the 'skin' came out - I used a lot of different tones and the end result is very nice

Then I actually put some more paint on the Cawdor models! No, really, look:

They're about 2/3 finished now I reckon

That's the metallics all done, and I'm on to the highlighting-post-Agrax Earthshade and details stage. Oh, and the skin, I guess. I should be able to get them finished tomorrow, which cleans my painting desk for something new. Maybe those Royalist Quar at last...?

Painting Points:
Today: 5
This Week: 7
2025: 7

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Here Goes 2025!

Over the last few days or so I've been trying to inventory my Pile of Opportunity. I'm not finished yet, and I'm up to 1,384 unpainted 28mm figures (including mounted models) and 11 tanks or monsters. It was 1,386 until I cracked out two more Pain Tokens today:

A Ral Partha (I think) executioner painted as some kind of alien with dark blue blood, and a GW Dire Avenger icon with some random skeleton bits done up like a dead Guard trooper

The gems on the Dire Avenger icon turned out alright in the end, and I quite like the dark blue blood you can see from the injuries on the executioner's legs

Those Cawdor figures are still sitting here, looking at me, but I have three small bases of giant (sort of) spiders to do up for Necromunda first... and then we'll look at those Cawdor figures.

Going back to that inventory, to put the number in context, I painted about 375 actual models last year. If I don't acquire any new models at all and just paint the ones I own, and maintain that rate of 375 figures painted a year (just over one a day) it'll take me three years and 256 days to finish just the 28mm figures I've counted so far. This doesn't include, off the top of my head, a Skaven army, a High Elf army, and a bunch of Bretonnians. Which is around about Friday 15th September 2028!

If I paint two figures a day every day on average that's a much more reasonable, um, year and 328 days to get all those 28mm minis I've counted so far done. Which is about the 26th of November 2026.

With that in mind, it makes quite a bit of sense that my partner P has strongly suggested that I don't acquire any new models for a while...

Which, of course, is just all the more reason to paint more fasterer!

Painting Points:
Today: 2
This Week: 2
2025: 2