Yesterday I didn't really do anything; I started working on the Techpriest and Primaris Psyker but essentially only put down a couple of colours. Today, however, I knuckled down and cranked out Red Platoon's Command Squad, who are wearing slightly fancier tunics than the basic infantry troopers:
L-R: Grenadier, vox-specialist, Lieutenant, medic, platoon Sergeant with grenade launcher
The Lieutenant's plume is yellow (for Yellow Company) and red (for Red Platoon). From this angle you can see the shoulder insignia of the specialists
The facings are quite apparent from this angle, as are the very varied backpacks
I like the poses I managed to get, although I think the Lieutenant might have been better seved with her pistol pointing down at the ground in a slightly more passive, observing mode
Of course after I finished taking all the photos I realised I'd not highlighted the Lieutenant's frag grenade, so I did that quickly and now they're done. I've popped the second squad from Red Platoon on the painting desk alongside the Psyker and Techpriest and aim to get them sorted in the next day or two.
The army - well, small force - as it currently stands consists of:
1 officer with command squad
1 officer
1 Commissar
1 Primaris Psyker
1 Techpriest
10-strong Stormtrooper squad with volley and plasma guns and Sergeant
10-strong infantry squad with flamer and Sergeant
10-strong infantry squad with melta and Sergeant
6-strong infantry squad with plasma gun and Sergeant (this needs another four troopers)
2 MLRS giant nebelwerfer type things
1 Sentinel
2 Rocket launcher teams (not quite a heavy weapons squad - needs another rocket launcher team!)
3 Autocannon teams (one of which needs another set of gunner's arms for some reason)
Eventually I'm aiming for two platoons, each three squads of 10 with a 5-strong command squad, the company command squad, the Stormtrooper squad, a Sentinel troop, and probably some other bits and pieces. Probably a heavy weapons platoon (mortars, rocket launchers, autocannons) as well.
Anyway that's all for the - distant - future. For now, I have Guardswomen to paint!
Painting Points:
Today: 5
This Week: 5
2025: 82