Well, it took a bit longer than I'd hoped, but I got 2 Squad, Red Platoon done. This bunch have a meltagun to give them some anti-tank punch, and are otherwise a standard infantry unit. 10 troopers, armed mostly with lasrifles.
The whole squad. I posed this one as if they've just taken a position, with half the squad still running up
The Sergeant and meltagunner plus the rest of the front rank
Spades - these aren't particularly useful where they are but it's a nice touch on the sculpts I think
Vox-operator (centre) and four troopers
From the rear you can see the strange extra bits some of them have on their backpacks - a coiled spring, for example!
I have an under-strength squad to do, but I might take a break from basic troopers now I have a minimum size platoon done (two squads of 10 and a command squad) and do something interesting like the Sentinel, or perhaps one of the MLRS systems. And of course I have the Psyker and Techpriest on the go.
Painting Points:
Today: 10
This Week: 15
2025: 92
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