Or at least the little bit of it that I've been working on. I finished the Engineseer, and with her all the undercoated "new" Cadian Imperial Guard. I still have two Autocannon teams to do, but one of the gunners is missing a set of arms, so that'll have to wait until I not only have more undercoat spray, but also pick up another heavy weapons box and another box of infantry. That should provide just enough parts to enable me to have three Heavy Weapons squads (three rocket launchers, three autocannons, and three mortars) and fill out the rest of 3rd Squad. Perhaps I'll get back to the Paradisans later this year. For now though, pictures!
Techpriestess Engineseer with power axe and laspistol. I tried to paint her so she looks like an albino, with extremely white hair and pink eyes
I like that the axe doubles up as an adjustable spanner
Yes, that is an orange flashing light on her backpack, it's important to make people aware of your presence when you're working with heavy machinery
The cog pattern at the base of the coat was fun to do, but I decided against doing it on the sleeves as well
In terms of speed of production only one miniature today is going to bring the average down a bit but that doesn't matter - look at what I've done over the last couple of weeks!
With the exception of the Commissar, none of these figures were painted at the start of the year. I'm very pleased with this progress
The Commissar! This is the Severina Raine miniature GW released a while ago which I have turned into a generic Commissar to go with the Paradisans. The paint scheme is the same as all my other Commissars - green jacket, blue trousers, black greatcoat, red and blue cap
Tomorrow I'm going to the London anti-fascist counterdemonstration against the far-right Tommy Robinson and all his mob, so I'm unlikely to be going to doing any painting - I'll be too tired when I get back. I have, however, lined up the last ten Melusai that need finishing for my Daughters of Khaine army.
Painting Points:
Today: 1
This Week: 18
2025: 122
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