I have now finished the Field Ordnance Battery (Malleus MLRS system), and I'm really pleased with how they turned out! The green tunics - which I stole from Saxon artillery crews of the Franco-Prussian war - set them apart from the infantry of the Paradisan LXIX and I also changed the way I painted the picklehaubes, too, replacing the gold regimental crest for a silver one. I also opted not to repair the broken spike on one of the gun crew, reasoning that in real life they detach and get lost. Should I decide to fix it later it won't be a difficult job either honestly.
Blue Battery, Red Section, Black Battalion, Paradisan MCCCXXXVII Artillery Regiment - guns 3 (left) and 4 (right)
You can see here how, unlike the infantry, the body armour lacks pauldrons and gloves are worn by most of the crew
Gun 3 is commanded by a corporal, while gun 4 has the section commander, a Sergeant, in charge
The ammunition crates are marked 80MM, denoting the size of each projectile
With these done, all that's left of this particular force is the Primaris Psyker and Techpriest, so once I've go those done I'll be rummaging around in the ol' Pile of Opportunity for the next set of things to work through. I'm probably going to try and finish my Daughters of Khaine Melusai because my son, T, has asked to have a game of Age of Sigmar at some point - he's been working on Chaos Warriors.
Painting Points:
Today: 10
This Week: 16
2025: 120
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