Thursday, 26 December 2024

Some Small Creatures

Nothing particularly major today, but I did take the time to immortalise some pets in miniature form:

Kiki and Binx (the cats that currently live with my partner P and I):

Kiki (l) is from Bad Squiddo Games and Binx (r) is from Troublemaker Games

The poses quite nicely reflect their personalities, although both are very cuddly in reality

Cookie, Mushi and Nimh (the first three rats we ever had):

Cookie was the most keen to explore and escape which is why she is the mutant with six legs - to get around faster!

Nimh actually had darker ears, so after this photo was taken I gave them a black wash

The cats are based for my 40K stuff, and can be familiars or even objective markers, while the rats are absolutely destined for Necromunda.

Painting Points:
Today: 5
This Week: 17
2024: 216 (367) - I have now done more than one PP per day for the whole year and it's not even over yet!

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