It may have been an indicator of power and imperial privilege, but in the cursed city of Mordheim it's worn by all sorts - from Ostermarker soldiery to members of the Cult of the Sixfold Path:
Today I highlighted the purple to completion - the recipe's quite simple: Genestealer Purple, wash with Magos Purple Contrast, highlight with Genestealer Purple and then Kakophoni Purple. After I did that I went in and based a chunk of the wrappings some of them wear on their ankles and wrists (or even around the hafts of some of the weapons) with Steel Legion Drab, based the wood with XV-88, and then started the process of painting the skin with Kislev Flesh. All these areas - wrappings, wood, and flesh - as well as some other sections will get a wash of Agrax Earthshade or similar followed by a couple of highlights. After that I'll go in and do the leather sections, touch up the black areas, and then focus on detailing with golds, creams, white, and the like. I hope to get these figures done at some point in the next few days, but some of them - particularly the Mutants and Possessed - might take a bit longer due to their skin needing some different work.
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