Saturday, 15 March 2025

Where Did I Go

Hail and well met, fellow perusers of miniature figure blogs, etc etc. Apologies for the 11 day absence - a variety of things happened, such as "not painting anything", going to Gritlands 4 LARP as crew (I got to be a hologram King Arthur!), and contracting norovirus which led to a very unpleasant couple of days. Anyway I finally sat down and did the tiniest bit of painting today, which has got my Cult of the Possessed Mutants to this point:

Which is to say about half done or thereabouts. I have to sort out the black areas, do the wood and leather, highlight the skin and do details like hair, horns, and hideous mutations as well as, of course, touching up any mistakes.

I'd like to say I can probably get these done tomorrow, and while I almost certainly could the question remains if I will actually spend the time painting that I need to. We'll see.

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