Tuesday 15 October 2024

Hired Goons

Today I finished the last archer for my Frostgrave band, which means I just have to do my Wizard and her Apprentice now - I've left these to last as they're deserving of a wee bit more attention than the goons. I'm really chuffed with how they've come out though, and I like that I've given them all different names from different places (with the exception of Jester, who's using a nom de crime). There's Hjordis (Nordic), Chamuk (Nivkh), Igor (Russian), Bijul (Punjabi), and Dreda (Old English). It gives the feel of a bunch of mercenaries and ne'er do wells recruited from all over the place, or who have all descended on Frostgrave to seek their fortune in the employ of the wizards who need guards and goons to protect them and help them in their expeditions.

 Dreda's dark green trousers are highlighted, I promise.

What all this photography nonsense has told me is that I need to ask for a lightbox for Christmas...!

Painting Points:
Today: 1
This Week: 1
2024: 92

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