Wednesday 16 October 2024

Rise, Rise, And Serve My Dark Purpose

I bit the bullet and painted up my Frostgrave wizard. She's a necromancer (hence the title of the post) and I'm a bit miffed with the quality of the photos, but hey ho. The sheer dress looks better in person, I promise.

I have no idea where she's from (I had thought Reaper, but she doesn't seem to be, and I can't find her in Ral Partha's catalogue either a reader has found the answer: she is Nahama the Enigmatic Sorceress from Ral Partha!). But I'm glad to have painted her up after so many years. I'm quite pleased with the way the red flames look on the dress, and the sheer effect has worked really well!

I settled on a painted on skull face in homage to the necromancer-nuns of the Ninth House from the Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir. Lady Jane herself is an old character of mine from a TTRPG I played in about nine years ago or so. Back then she ended up becoming an antagonist to the party before dying (and eventually, after I stopped playing, becoming the Big Bad). So it seems appropriate to resurrect her for Frostgrave as a Necromancer.

Tomorrow I'm going to be quite busy but I hope I'll be able to get her apprentice done, and thus finish the warband in time for the 21st.

Painting Points:
Today: 1
This Week: 2
2024: 93


  1. Nicely done.

    I think the miniature is Ral Partha Europe 16008 Nahama Enigmatic Sorceress
