Techpriests are an interesting addition to a primarily infantry-based force, but the Sentinels and - eventually - tanks that will be in support do need someone to be up at the sharp end ready to assuage the machine-spirits and weld things back together. So I have this one:
I converted this from a Skitarii Marshal miniature, a Techpriest miniature, and a variety of random spare parts. I'm not certain if I like the head, but I wanted her to look a bit more human than some other options. I might have a rummage in some bits boxes and see if I can find something a bit less human, but also... maybe not.
I didn't get very much painting done today, but I think I'm in a good place to get the Techpriestess finished tomorrow. I've highlighted the coat, blocked in all the pipes and cables and undergarments, and now it's details and skin really. Just... a lot of details.
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