You may have noticed that there weren't any photos yesterday - and none today, either. This is because my PC is playing damn silly buggers and I don't know quite how to fix it yet. Probably going to have to clean reinstall Windows. Urgh.
In more entertaining news, I have started work on the heavy weapons teams that were once integrated into Red Platoon, and the two MLRS platforms. I decided to model the MLRS crews off Saxon artillery uniforms from the Franco-Prussian War, with green tunics and grey trousers. After all, they look to me like they could - should - be attached from an Artillery Regiment rather than be integral to an Infantry Regiment. Two is a half battery, so I expect at some point I'll get another two. And part of me keeps jumping up and down suggesting Tauroxes to pull them much like the Morris C8 'Quad' did the British army's 25pdr field guns... so who knows what that'll end up looking like.
In the meantime I've got everything to the point where I'm about to slap a bunch of Nuln Oil across them, so I guess about half done. Might be able to get them done tomorrow, might not, it depends how much time I dedicate to painting. Hopefully I'll have photos back soon, too. SUCCESS
After merely re-installing Windows and setting all my preferences back up, I can save photos and upload them here again. This is where I've got to so far with the towed MLRS systems and the infantry heavy weapons. I imagine that the MLRS crews set everything up then fire from a distance, as the tubes, um, don't have a safety plate behind them so even if they cold launch there'll be one hell of a backblast!
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