There follows, in no particular order, and not yet completely, a pictorial list of the figures I painted at Visiongain before I left and while my laptop wasn't co-operating. Have at it!

Usuthe, the Ssotayan cultist swordswoman.

The three cultists together.

The demon Ssotay itself, and Ashal, its High Priestess. I'm pleased with her, but I think that the dress doesn't work quite as well as I'd hoped.

The warband as they stand at present. I still want to get a packet of Copplestone's
Ngoni Female Archers to bulk them out for Song of Blades and Heroes.

The cardboard buildings I made from cereal packets, prior to the addition of a cooling tower and some paint. Note Necromunda Goliaths for scale.
Speaking of Goliaths...

Ded Cred version two, this time with better trews and a bigger gun. Combined with Kal Cutter's autocannon, the heavies of the Automatics are a serious force to be reckoned with. "Dominating the tabletop" is an understatement!

Slimy Sid, Goliath Juve. I like him because he looks so cowardly, like the types you get hanging around with gangs in school; the ones who get picked on if there are no other victims and yet who are pathetically greatful just to be part of the group.

Thick Dave, another Juve. This is where the Automatic theme starts to dilute. I'm not sure figures like this'll ever see action, but it's good to have them anyway. I'm a completist.

Rotten Pahul. Not much to say - just a Juve.
Now, on to some Warhammer and Mordheim stuff:

Grey Seer, agent of the Council of 13. I love this model! It's probably my favourite Warhammer model of all time, primarily because of the little rat on the staff. It makes me chuckle whenever I see it.

A Prince of Tor Sethain, and member of my Mordheim Elf warband. Nothing too special - I'm a fan of the classic blue and white colour scheme for High Elves.
And now, on to the science-fiction stuff, in this case a Biel-Tan missile launcher and Guardian leader. I also have some Dire Avengers I need to re-photograph, but more on them later.

Eldar Missile Launcher platform, to accompany a Guardian Defender squad in my wife's Biel-Tan army. Apparently the EML is a rubbish option according to the internet, but I don't care and neither does my wife.

Guardian Defender leader. No rules for the position, I just liked the pose and think he looks like a squad leader.
Still to come - Kornilov and Markov regiment figures from the RCW, some VBCW Police Action figures and those Dire Avengers I was on about earlier... plus tales of ACTUAL PAINTING, the first for months!