Friday 23 August 2024


 Excuse me while I dust the cobwebs off this space and gaze in horror at the broken image links.

Hello again! It's been, uh, a while since I posted on here. Five years or so, in fact. Since then quite a lot has happened in my life, from moving house to seeing my son move into Secondary School, changing my gender and name, completing some wargaming projects, selling others, buying new ones... you know, the usual I suppose.

Anyway of late I have been wistfully thinking of the old internet, the internet of blogs and forums and the like. Social media has rather brain poisoned a lot of people and almost certainly done far too much psychic damage to me really. So I thought I'd come back to my old blog and get back into the habit of updating it and keeping track of all the things I do wargames wise.

And what am I doing wargames wise?

Well, currently, I'm in the process of painting up a big block of Night Goblins, which, when finished, will give me a 2,000 point 6th Edition Fantasy Battle army. 

Then I've got some Quar to paint up, as well as some bits and bobs - a Dwarf standard bearer, some Tomb Kings pieces, and - really - the pile of opportunity as well.

Here's some of those Night Goblins. This is an old photo - these giggling greenskins have long since been finished.

Speaking of painting, I'll start keeping track of the painting points again too now I'm back updating the ol' blog.

That'll do for now - hopefully next time I'll have some new photos of newly painted things, and perhaps I might put some old photos of stuff I've done over the last few years too. Until then - toodle-oo!

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