Saturday 24 August 2024

So Many Feet

 Today I have mostly been painting Night Goblins. 42 of them, to be precise, with a Shaman and a Battle Standard Bearer sitting waiting their turn (although really I don't need to paint these as I already have several Shamen and a BSB completed). This meant I needed to paint 84 shoes, 41 weapons, 38 shield rims, and now I'm working through the highlights on the shield designs so that's... oh I don't know how many passes of yellow on the shields.

Anyway, while doing this I have mostly been listening to this really quite excellent little series of videoed Battletech: Alpha Strike battle reports that Wargamer Stories over on the You of Tubes have. My best friend CH put me onto them today and they're really good - a series of linked battles as part of a proper old school map campaign, charting the war for a planet called Blue Hole, between the Alyina Mercantile League and the Vesper Marches' House Kerbyn. 

They've really got me itching to do some more 'mechs, but my main problem there is that the Mercenaries Kickstarter I backed is months away from arriving (damn space travel) and all my existing mechs are painted up anyway. So I guess I'll have to crack on with these cackling green loons, and try to get them done this weekend - if my sanity holds up after painting umpty jillion goblin teeth.

Oh, and so I don't post something without a photo, here's some photos from the Alpha Strike game CH and I played the other week at his parents' house. I took a Star of 'mechs from the Jade Falcon unit Falcon Guards, of the Gamma Galaxy, and CH brought a reinforced lance of his mercs, standing in for the Davion Brigade of Guards.

Deployment - Falcon Guard Alpha Trinary Command Star ambushed by Davion Guards reinforced lance

Initial moves to contact: the Davion Annihilator on the right really struggled to get to the fight.

After the Davion MadCat destroyed the Nova, it became a scrappy knife fight... I pulled back to allow my superior ranged firepower to do its work.

CH's MadCat and my Timber Wolf blew each other to scrap at point blank range while my Turkina and Kingfisher dealt with the Annihilator.

When the dust settled only the Davion Archer remained standing, and CH withdrew having destroyed my Timber Wolf and Nova for the loss of his Blackjack, MadCat, Annihilator and Jagermech.

And, because I'm a fan of the stories that wargames and campaigns generate, that night I wrote a short story - just a thousand words - about the immediate aftermath from the perspective of the Jade Falcon clanners. You can find it here, at Archive Of Our Own.

No painting points today as I haven't finished anything. See you all tomorrow with some more progress (or even photos of the finished gobbos)!

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