Tuesday 8 October 2024

Everyone Needs An Igor

After all, who else is going to sew your hideous necromantic creations together? Admittedly this Igor is a little less hunchbacked than the classic style, but he is at least handy with a needle and thread:

The base isn't finished yet as I'm going to do the basing all at once when the whole gang is finished. I deliberately went for a very simple black robe as a way to tie him to the Wizard, who will have a similar (but much more ornate) sort of dress on.

Painting Points:
Today: 1
This Week: 1
2024: 88

Sunday 6 October 2024

Tying Figures Together

(But not with string!)

I've worked a little bit more on the Frostgrave minions today; getting the bulk of the base coats on and starting to work on some highlighting. The group is made up of lots of different figures from different manufacturers - North Star, Eureka, Ral Partha, Eolith, and one that I can't identify - and they're all wearing very different clothes. Which is fine, they're a band of adventurers in the pay of a wizard, not a uniformed group at all. However, how do you go about making them look just a little like they belong together?

The best way is twofold, in my experience. First, a limited palette - use roughly the same colours on each figure. Here I'm using quite natural colours, mostly: khakis, olive green, bleached cloth, dark brown leathers, grey fur. Second, a spot colour to tie them all together. That was rather decided for me when I painted Jester like Bruce Timm's Harley Quinn, in black, red, and white. Red is a striking colour that stands out even in small quantities, so red is present on all the figures so far:

The thug's robe is edged in red, the women-at-arms have red on their shields (and backing their fur cloaks), the two archers use red fletching on their arrows, while the human has a red-backed fur cloak and the dwarf has a red hat. Jester, of course, is wearing red quite prominently. The wizard's going to have red embroidery on her dress and probably a ruby topping her staff, while the apprentice will probably get a red cloak. 

Once they're all done, and based together in a mix of snow and a bit of grass tufts (and maybe some cobblestones), the overall effect should be of a reasonably cohesive group of cut-throats and ne'er-do-wells.

Saturday 5 October 2024

A Dwarf In The Cold

I said I needed a thug, and so I ransacked my figure drawers for suitable candidates. There were a few that made me go "hmmm... maybe" but in the end I settled on converting what I think is a Eureka Miniatures cultist with some GW plastic parts - specifically a 7th Edition Warhammer Empire state trooper's sword and a 5th Edition plastic zombie's feet:

Post-surgery. I love the pose - a sort of "come and have a go". Had to give him shoes, it's cold in Frostgrave!

Then, while I was rummaging, I came across the five North Star Dwarf Light Infantry that I'd built up as archers ages ago - I think they were another single-sprue present from P purchased from Wayland's Forge. One of those will do nicely as a second archer, replacing the infantrywoman with spear I'd subbed in for an archer in the first place after initially being unable to find a second archer!

The merry band - a thug, a thief, two archers, two women-at-arms, wizard, apprentice

So I've slapped some base coats onto the dwarf archer and thug, and laid the base work for a sheer dress on the wizard (she's magic, she doesn't need to worry about mundane stuff like "temperature" or "wind chill"), although I'm not quite sure what colour to do it - I have a vague idea of a sheer black with some red and gold embroidery but my fine detail freehand might not quite be up to that. Time will tell, etc.

Friday 4 October 2024

Motley... Crew?

Having rifled through my various drawers of unpainted and random miniatures, I have assembled (mostly) a Frostgrave warband. I just need to find a thug. Not much progress in terms of painting of them, though: I re(re)based them so they're all on 25mm rounds, which took a lot of clipping of plastic bases and carving with a knife and so on. Then I undercoated the Wizard and Apprentice, and that's pretty much where we are now:

L-R: Woman-at-arms, woman-at-arms, infantrywoman, wizard, apprentice, thief, archer

We're using first edition Frostgrave (I have a signed copy - I bought it off Joseph McCullough at the 2017 Games Expo in Birmingham) and as a result my 500 gold is being stretched quite far here. I do need to go back through the trays and drawers and find that thug, but I'm hopeful I'll be able to bash this little group out reasonably soon. I've got until the 21st after all.

The origin of these figures is quite varied - the bulk of them are from a single sprue of North Star Barbarian II minis that I got given as a present a couple of years ago or so by my partner P, but the Wizard came from the same bunch of random minis I got from Black Lion Games all those years ago. I have no idea who makes her - I'm assuming Ral Partha, but I honestly don't know. The Apprentice is a mini sold by Heresy Miniatures but which used to be a Spyglass/Eolith mini; sculpted by Steve Buddle. Really this has been a great opportunity to make a small dent into the pile of opportunity's stranger minis that haven't got an obvious home.

Thursday 3 October 2024

Thieving In The Frozen City

I haven't had a great deal of time to do much today, but I have managed to finish - well, apart from the base, that's a placeholder - the thief for my Frostgrave warband:

I have no idea what I'm going to do for the base, so what I might do is have a chat with K and see how she's basing her minis for Frostgrave. Anyway, one of the mystery minis (it turns out she is a Ral Partha figure - specifically 15029 Female Jester) I've owned for probably about 20 years or so has been done! And I'm quite pleased with the way her face came out, too.

Painting Points:
Today: 1
This Week: 7
2024: 87

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Pew Pew And Other Gun Noises

Today's been a quite productive one on the old painting front, honestly. I managed to finish off the Carrion, and although they aren't going to win any awards for quality they fit the aesthetic of the Tomb Kings army I've got and look absolutely fine from arm's length (which is what matters). On top of that I bashed out the Copplestone mini I'm using for a Death Cult Assassin which now gives me a full group of those. I still have to finish the tech-assassin, of course, but hey - two days from purchase to painted isn't bad for me at all. And I also blocked in some of the main colours on a group of minis I'm going to turn into a Frostgrave warband - one of the people at the club, K, suggested a game of Frostgrave in a couple of weeks' time, so we're both painting up some figures for that. I'm not totally sure what I'll use for the Wizard and Apprentice yet, but I'm sure I'll have some figures somewhere.

Carrion! Front view, showing all the gribbly exposed ribs and suchlike

Rear view, showing all the gribbly exposed tissues and quills and bones and suchlike

Twin pistols standing in for twin power weapons - I call it gun-fu

I tried to add a bit of blue to the trenchcoat to show it might be a slightly different black to that of the boots and corset; not sure how well it works but it's the thought that counts

A Frostgrave foursome - the three with the flatter bases are North Star Barbarian II plastics; the one on the far right is a metal miniature from an unknown manufacturer

A quick note on that mystery mini in the Frostgrave group. I'm going to use her as a thief, but I have no idea who made her - I picked her up along with some other loose metal minis from Black Lion Games in Edinburgh years ago. I think she might be a Ral Partha figure? If you know, please let me know in the comments! Bonus points if you can ID the inspiration for her paint scheme...

Painting Points:
Today: 6
This Week: 6
2024: 86

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Plodding Along

Today I have done... not a lot. I updated the Wyld Kats, scribbled around with some ideas for my Skaven (I have about 2,000 points already which is pretty cool - just gotta paint them), and then did a chunk of the details on the Carrion and undercoated the Copplestone Selene mini:

The Carrion are nearly done, I think - I have to do the base details, and touch up some of the other details in the Carrion themselves. Should be easy enough to get done tomorrow. The Death Cult Assassin got an old-school brushed on undercoat and I reckon if I knuckle down she can be done in a couple of hours or less; the scheme is pretty simple - red, white, black.