Saturday 5 October 2024

A Dwarf In The Cold

I said I needed a thug, and so I ransacked my figure drawers for suitable candidates. There were a few that made me go "hmmm... maybe" but in the end I settled on converting what I think is a Eureka Miniatures cultist with some GW plastic parts - specifically a 7th Edition Warhammer Empire state trooper's sword and a 5th Edition plastic zombie's feet:

Post-surgery. I love the pose - a sort of "come and have a go". Had to give him shoes, it's cold in Frostgrave!

Then, while I was rummaging, I came across the five North Star Dwarf Light Infantry that I'd built up as archers ages ago - I think they were another single-sprue present from P purchased from Wayland's Forge. One of those will do nicely as a second archer, replacing the infantrywoman with spear I'd subbed in for an archer in the first place after initially being unable to find a second archer!

The merry band - a thug, a thief, two archers, two women-at-arms, wizard, apprentice

So I've slapped some base coats onto the dwarf archer and thug, and laid the base work for a sheer dress on the wizard (she's magic, she doesn't need to worry about mundane stuff like "temperature" or "wind chill"), although I'm not quite sure what colour to do it - I have a vague idea of a sheer black with some red and gold embroidery but my fine detail freehand might not quite be up to that. Time will tell, etc.

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