Friday 4 October 2024

Motley... Crew?

Having rifled through my various drawers of unpainted and random miniatures, I have assembled (mostly) a Frostgrave warband. I just need to find a thug. Not much progress in terms of painting of them, though: I re(re)based them so they're all on 25mm rounds, which took a lot of clipping of plastic bases and carving with a knife and so on. Then I undercoated the Wizard and Apprentice, and that's pretty much where we are now:

L-R: Woman-at-arms, woman-at-arms, infantrywoman, wizard, apprentice, thief, archer

We're using first edition Frostgrave (I have a signed copy - I bought it off Joseph McCullough at the 2017 Games Expo in Birmingham) and as a result my 500 gold is being stretched quite far here. I do need to go back through the trays and drawers and find that thug, but I'm hopeful I'll be able to bash this little group out reasonably soon. I've got until the 21st after all.

The origin of these figures is quite varied - the bulk of them are from a single sprue of North Star Barbarian II minis that I got given as a present a couple of years ago or so by my partner P, but the Wizard came from the same bunch of random minis I got from Black Lion Games all those years ago. I have no idea who makes her - I'm assuming Ral Partha, but I honestly don't know. The Apprentice is a mini sold by Heresy Miniatures but which used to be a Spyglass/Eolith mini; sculpted by Steve Buddle. Really this has been a great opportunity to make a small dent into the pile of opportunity's stranger minis that haven't got an obvious home.

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