Wednesday 2 October 2024

Pew Pew And Other Gun Noises

Today's been a quite productive one on the old painting front, honestly. I managed to finish off the Carrion, and although they aren't going to win any awards for quality they fit the aesthetic of the Tomb Kings army I've got and look absolutely fine from arm's length (which is what matters). On top of that I bashed out the Copplestone mini I'm using for a Death Cult Assassin which now gives me a full group of those. I still have to finish the tech-assassin, of course, but hey - two days from purchase to painted isn't bad for me at all. And I also blocked in some of the main colours on a group of minis I'm going to turn into a Frostgrave warband - one of the people at the club, K, suggested a game of Frostgrave in a couple of weeks' time, so we're both painting up some figures for that. I'm not totally sure what I'll use for the Wizard and Apprentice yet, but I'm sure I'll have some figures somewhere.

Carrion! Front view, showing all the gribbly exposed ribs and suchlike

Rear view, showing all the gribbly exposed tissues and quills and bones and suchlike

Twin pistols standing in for twin power weapons - I call it gun-fu

I tried to add a bit of blue to the trenchcoat to show it might be a slightly different black to that of the boots and corset; not sure how well it works but it's the thought that counts

A Frostgrave foursome - the three with the flatter bases are North Star Barbarian II plastics; the one on the far right is a metal miniature from an unknown manufacturer

A quick note on that mystery mini in the Frostgrave group. I'm going to use her as a thief, but I have no idea who made her - I picked her up along with some other loose metal minis from Black Lion Games in Edinburgh years ago. I think she might be a Ral Partha figure? If you know, please let me know in the comments! Bonus points if you can ID the inspiration for her paint scheme...

Painting Points:
Today: 6
This Week: 6
2024: 86

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