Well, I finished the Colour Party's officer, standing to attention. A bit of an oddity as the Colour Sergeant is standing easy, but there you go.
All in all, and in order, I've now painted up:
(1) Tau Firewarrior NCO
(2) Varingr NCO
(3) Mordheim Elf
(4) Bounty Huntress
(12) 8 Skye Battalion
(13) Red Witch
(19) 6 BUF
(20) Goliath Juve
(21) Chaos Heroine
(22) Chaos Daemonette
(23) Goliath Juve
(26) 3 Anarchists
(27) BUF Driver
(32) Rolls Royce A/C
(34) 2 Plainclothes police
(35) 1 Gangs of Mega-City One ganger
(38) 3 Anarchist militia
(39) 1 Escher Ganger
(40) 1 Greater Israel Army trooper
(43) 3 GIA troopers
(47) 4 GIA troopers
(51) 4 GIA troopers
(52) 1 BUF officer
Not bad going really, given I've been doing it for 33 days - an average of 1.6 figures a day.
I'm on holiday over the Christmas Weekend, then back at work in the last week of 2009, so I'm going to try and finish off the Goliaths next week (I'm almost there with the Gang Leader, and the last two Gangers have been undercoated and had their metals done), which would put me in a good place for 2010.
Olley Painting Points:
This Week: 9
2009 Total: 52
Thinking about it, I've been doing this since early November with a target of 8-10 OPP a month, or a maximum of 20 figures for Nov-Dec. I've already smashed that target to bits and can report exceeding the Five Year Plan by 32 models or over 150%!
A Little Visit to the Den
4 hours ago
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