Tuesday 17 September 2024

Assassins At Last

It took me a lot longer than I'd hoped, but the two 'classic' Death Cult Assassins are done. The sculpts are not the best ones GW has ever produced, and Finecast is not the right medium for them really - as I was painting them I kept finding flash in weird places that needed removing, and I don't think I'd've had that particular problem in metal. And I'd have been able to bend the blades into a proper shape, too. Yes, I know, I could have done the hot water trick but... I couldn't be bothered. I have successfully reduced the Pile of Opportunity by two, and that's the main thing really.

Front view, showing the small differences in the sculpts... and the *very* strange position of the left hand on the one on the right. You try waving a sword around like that!

They look much more similar from the back, but honestly it doesn't matter - I like the textural differences between the shiny bodysuits and the metal and parchment.

I also blocked out some of the colours on the tech-assassin, who I think I'll say is some kind of Mechanicus-based Death Cultist, and had a crack at putting some Black Templar Contrast on the Tomb Kings carrion I've got to do. For some reason despite contrast being very watery as befits what is in essence an ink, it just. did. not. flow across the mini. I think the white undercoat is a bit grittier than the contrast likes. Oh well.

Tech-assassin and three Carrion for the Tomb Kings in The Old World.

The Carrion should, in theory, be pretty easy to paint with just a few colours being needed - but, I suspect, they will be much more of a pain than I expect. We'll see!

I spent much of today thinking about Necromunda, and plotting where I might want to go with my gang as it grows. I have some options, but I think I'm going to be OK for figures in the short term - more Gangers and Juves are never a bad idea - but when the Juves in particular level up I have quite the shortage of special and heavy weapons, so I can forsee a purchase of the Weapons and Upgrade Sprue (and another box of Escher) coming up.

Tomorrow I hope to make more headway on the Tech-assassin and maybe even the Carrion, but I'm also going bird watching with my partner P and playing a game of Wolf Packs and Winter Snows in the evening, so I might not be able to get anything done painting wise.

Painting Points:
Today: 2
This Week: 4
2024: 60



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