Wednesday 11 September 2024

Assassins, Bodyguards, and Cybernetic Death Machines, Oh My

I managed to get a little bit of paint on some minis today - I really need to carve out more time to do this but there we are. Anyway currently I'm working on two Death Cultists, two Crusaders, and three Arco-Flagellants, all of which will fill in slots for the Witch Hunter army list from 2003 that I use in games of 3rd and 4th Edition 40K - when I can find opponents, that is.

Essentially I've done the metals on all of them, and blocked out the areas that will be red, and the skin on the Arco-Flagellants (which is most of the models there really). The trousers on the Crusaders are brown to fit in with the Ecclesiarchy minis I have, which are mostly a sort of monastic brown. While painting them I noticed that they actually seem to be wearing some kind of banded armour plate on their legs, so I might have to redo that. But a pretty solid base to move forwards with and get the detail work sorted, so maybe they'll be done by the end of the week perhaps.

The keen-eyed among you may have noticed the unpainted black mini between the Arco-Flagellants and the Death Cultists. Remember yesterday when I said I had a plan for the third Death Cultist I can take in a unit of them?

This is her! She's technically some kind of information warfare assassin expert from the Horus Heresy range, but I liked the mini so picked it up a while ago for use as... something. So now she gets to be a Death Cultist! I'm thinking of painting her similarly to the Hasslefree minis ones I have, and she can be some form of super-specialist. Or maybe she could be a Mechanicus-aligned techno-barbarian cultist? That might be fun. Anyway, she's pretty funky, so she'll get some paint on her tomorrow to bring her up to speed with the others.

Until then, may your dice roll high and your paintjobs never chip!

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