Monday 9 September 2024

Redemption Through Suffering!

At last I managed to break free of distractions like job interviews, YouTube, and Hearts of Iron IV and get some painting time. I finished the Penitent Engines which means I now have a full squad of three for my 4th Edition Witch Hunters army - and here they are!

I went for a very simple overall scheme of quite new looking metal because these things aren't meant to last very long - they get built, stuck in storage, then shoved into combat in the expectation that they get destroyed! So very little embellishment and not even any hydraulic leaks or anything - they haven't been around long enough to need lubrication or become particularly stained. There are a few details I probably could have spent some time on but these are more than good enough for gaming work and look fine next to the earlier one I did:

So that's the whole squad. They're a Heavy Support choice for 3rd/4th Edition Witch Hunter armies and can only be taken if you have a Priest in your army. Next up will probably be some arco-flagellants to finish that squad, although I do technically have to undercoat them so I might put those on hold until I have a new can of black spray. For some reason my old cheap go-to of Halfords Matt Black Primer is now drying with a textured finish which is... suboptimal, so I'll have to fork out silly money for a GW spray can probably.

Off the top of my head in order to have models for all the options in the Witch Hunter codex I think I need some more Death Cult Assassins and Crusaders, but I'll have a rummage in my pile of opportunity and see if I have them waiting to paint. I think I do, but we'll see.

And I've still got those Royalist Quar to do, and all...

Painting Points:
Today: 10
This Week: 10
2024: 53

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