Monday 30 September 2024

Licking Our Wounds

The Wyld Kats got their second outing tonight in the local club's campaign, against N's Cold Steel Orlocks. Unlike last time, they got thoroughly demolished - mostly because I couldn't seem to roll above a two, and N was rolling hot the whole time. I ended up with five fighters Out Of Action, of whom one died! So at some point the Wyld Kats are going to come gunning for Cold Steel... 

It started off with a lot of jockeying for position, with me moving the bulk of my gang aggressively towards the enemy relic

And the Orlocks responding by taking cover and moving around me, so we ended up fighting left-to-right instead of front-to-back (in this photo you can see the Orlock relic, a pile of tyres!)

Initial reinforcements were OK, I managed to get my gangers in a position to defend my own relic (seen here just in front of Vikki Vicious and Tia Venom)

But then it all went wrong! A couple of turns of excellent dice rolls from N and terrible ones from me took Fancy Fliss, Sinnamon Kane and Wildsnake Bliss Out Of Action, and I tried to turn the tide by playing Hive Tremors...

...only for my high Initiative Escher to completely fuck it up and almost everyone became pinned, while only the Orlock Captain and Champion fell over. Bugger!

Last gasp attempt to claw something back and my Matriarch fires her plasma pistol at Hot Pete. I needed 2+... and rolled a 1. Shortly thereafter Hot Pete set Roxy Danger on fire, taking her Out Of Action. I voluntarily bottled and fled the scene

But too late for Roxy! I tried taking her to the Doc, but the Doc wanted 120 creds (about the only time I rolled sixes all game) and I couldn't afford it, so she died in the streets of her injuries!

The end result was no new Juves or Gangers from my two settlements, one death, two head injuries (Losse de Grey and Sinnamon Kane), an Old Battle Wound on Fancy, and wounded gang pride. 

Frankly, I buggered up the initial exchange by losing Losse de Grey for a single Orlock ganger - they squared off in the centre of the board, the Orlock managed to disengage and Losse rolled a 1 to try to reaction attack - again, all she needed was a 2 or more - and then I foolishly chased him down, leaving her in the open in front of three Orlocks who promptly shot her to bits then delivered a coup de gras. I should have moved her into cover and shot the ganger, and waited for backup. Then, later, when I had a bit of a chance to try and do something by charging Wyldsnake Bliss into Rudy Judy, an Orlock wrecker, I rolled two 1s and a 2 with three attacks followed by Rudy dealing a serious injury and then a coup de gras. That forced me to use Penny Diamond to take Rudy out, rather than going for Hot Pete... which then left Hot Pete alive and able to hand flamer Penny and Fancy. 

Still, when the dice are against you there's not a great deal you can do. My general plan was sound - use the bulk of my gang, particularly my Leader and Champions, to press towards the enemy relic and defend my own with my reserves. Unfortunately it was not to be, this time. But the Wyld Kats will be back - and angrier than ever!

In other news, I popped into Wayland's Forge today for a rummage and walked out with some Skaven Jezzail teams and a Death Cult Assassin:

The jezzail teams are from the new Age of Sigmar box, but they look absolutely fantastic on proper 6th Edition style bases, and will go nicely into my 6th Edition Skaven army. Which I should probably look at again, I'm pretty sure it's a bit more than 2,000 points now. Might add some Plague Monks at some point. And a Screaming Bell. And a Warp Lightning Cannon... and I should probably paint some of them too honestly.

The Death Cult Assassin is a Copplestone Castings miniature - WH1, Girl Werewolf Hunter - which I got to complement (and complete) the two Hasslefree Miniatures versions of the same character... Selene, from the Underworld film series.

I also took some photos of the various games being played at the club tonight:

Kill Team!

Lord of the Rings!

Super small scale (2mm?) WW2!


Mordheim (my beloved)!

A couple of games of SAGA!

The Old World!

A close up of this beautifully grotesque Nurgle demon engine

And that's that for today - no painting, but a little bit of building of Skaven, and a game of Necromunda, so a pretty productive day in the life of a wargamer. Next week is the club's AGM so I won't be getting any more Necromunda in until the 14th of October probably. Now I just have to work out if I want to spend any of my 150 creds on some new gang members...

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