Saturday 7 September 2024

The Pile of Opportunity Grows (Thanks, Annie)

A little while ago, Bad Squiddo Games ran a Kickstarter called Definitely Not Damsels 2. I'd not been able to pledge for any minis last time round, but this time round I had some money spare and there were some minis I absolutely had to have. Anyway I got a "posted!" notification yesterday afternoon and this morning they plopped through my letterbox in a lovely pink box with confetti and pink tissue paper and bubblewrap protecting them. Annie's customer service remains top notch!

So here they are:

From left to right, I have a Marauder Berserker for my Old World Sea Wolf army, a Psyker for a 40K Inquisition warband, a funky mini for ... something, a cat (aww) and two snake priestess which will end up with my snake worshippers from my homebrew fantasy setting. I think there's photos of them in this blog way back near the start, sort of around the 2009/10 mark I think.

And I actually managed to put some paint to models today!

The Penitent Engines are reasonably close to finished actually. The majority of what's left is highlighting and detailing on the, er, "drivers", with a bit of detail work on the machines themselves. For such large models, they're remarkably quick to paint if you don't mind a big block of metal!

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