Monday 16 September 2024

Rolling Dice In The Underhive

Tonight I went to the local wargames club - the Warwickshire Gamers - for my first game in the new Necromunda Dominion campaign being run by a chap called A. I ended up playing a lovely fellow - F - and his very nice and quite intimidating Goliaths, the Slagpit Maulers. We rolled up the scenario Border Dispute and the winner would get a nice Settlement to add to their campaign territory.

I was pretty worried to start with as I only had five of my gang on the board at the start to F's six, and Goliaths are tough. I've had trouble with them in the past because they can be the very devil to wound with basic weapons like las or auto guns. On the other hand, I did have my Death Maiden, Gang Queen, and Specialist with chem-thrower so hopefully I'd be able to do some damage to them.

End Phase of turn one - Vikki Vicious is OOA but so is Smash, F's gang boss

It's a pretty straightforwards mission; the two gangs set up and then have to kick each other's teeth in, with the twist that if your gang relic (mine is seen just to the corner of the green container on the right of the above picture) is defiled you can't win even if every enemy ganger is OOA or fled. We ended up weighting our gangs to my right flank and things kicked off pretty quick. I sent Vikki Vicious forwards to try and gas Runner, the Goliath Forge-Born, but he was made of sterner stuff and this let Smash charge in and put Vikki OOA with a few brutal swings of his massive great big power hammer. His triumph was short lived however as Fancy Fliss and Losse de Grey charged in and Losse ran him through with her stiletto sword, forcing injury rolls due to its poison-coated blade - and OOA he went!

Reinforcements don't always come on where you want them to...
Turn two saw a pretty brutal exchange with Cutter the Stimmer thundering into Fancy and taking her OOA with a truly unpleasant number of attacks from his paired axes, only to be first brought low by Losse's reaction attacks, and then given a coup de gras by Tia Venom. At this point I was really concerned because I wasn't liking the exchange rate of one-for-one, but as it turned out I needn't've worried. Losse danced over the moaning Cutter and took Runner OOA in a single fluid motion of elegant violence, while Sinnamon Kane lined up a careful lasgun shot on Pop the Goliath with grenade launcher and gave him a serious injury to keep him occupied. Both gangs broke in the end phase of that turn, with my Wyld Runner Roxy Danger turning up as a reinforcement only to immediately fail her bottle test and run away. Obviously she had more important things to do.

Mid-way through Turn Two, with Cutter lying on the ground moaning by the brown container and Pop doing much the same on the gantry at the back. You can see Spark and Lucky, F's reinforcements, yet to move, over on the far left corner where I'd been able to place them (mwahahaha).

Turn Three ended up being the last turn as the Wyld Kats continued to drive down the right flank towards the Goliath gang relic, shooting at the remaining Goliaths as they did so. With no damage caused to the Wyld Kats this turn, the Slagpit Maulers elected to leg it, vowing they'd be back.

In the post game sequence, it turned out that Fancy Fliss had evaded capture (phew!) but Pop had, um, "succumbed to his injuries" (cheaper than the Doc's fees, you see) and will have to be replaced. Vikki Vicious picked up an Old Battle Wound, but this has no effect on her as she's a Specialist rather than a Champion so doesn't do Post Battle Actions anyway. 

The Wyld Kats made bank, gaining 150 credits, 2 reputation, a settlement, a free Juve from said settlement, and a ton of XP - Losse de Grey getting 10(!), enough to buy the skill Spring Up. Oh, and a visit to the Trading Post meant that Fancy upgraded her chainaxe to a power axe, while Vikki Vicious, seeing how effective Losse's chym-synth was, got one for her chem-thrower. All told, after the little spending spree (including getting some gear for the new Juve, Wildsnake Bliss), the Wyld Kats ended up with 70 creds saved against something nasty for the future. Maybe a Khymerix. Who knows!

And before all that I also managed to finish the Crusaders! They won't win any awards, but they're done and in my display cabinet, so I'll take that as a win honestly.

Crusaders! You can see flames on their tabards. They're not... not Redemptionists are they?

Suppression shields! I did the black and white ropes to symbolise purity and evil.

So all in all a pretty good day really. Two figures painted and a game of Necromunda played (and won)!

Painting Points:
Today: 2
This Week: 2
2024: 58

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