Thursday 12 September 2024

Slowly Shrinks The Pile

Today I purposely managed to do more painting than I have done for the last couple of days, and used that time to finish the Arco-Flagellants. I now have a small, but full-strength, unit of these cybernetic drug-enhanced death machine-people to sprint down a flank and die horribly murderise something squishy, like some Space Marines or something.

Excuse the flash, I was trying to get a reasonable photo of them face on, but it was much harder than I thought. The one on the left is very reminiscent of the Inquisitor 54mm figure Damien-4521.

A less bright photo from the rear showing a bit more of the detail work on the drug auto-injectors and the skin tones.

They fit in nicely with the three I did back in 2020:

A whole squad of frothing bezerkers.

And in between all that I managed to get a little bit of the base work done for some of the details on the Death Cultists and Crusaders, too.

As you can see I redid the legs on the Crusaders to reflect the banded metal armour they seem to be wearing.

Lots of red and black, with some gold and the beginning of some bone too. I have a cunning plan for the Crusader's hooded coats - I'm thinking of doing some black and white checkerwork detail, but that might go out the window depending on how I feel - might instead do something less mind-bending.

I also hope to talk a bit about 40K Live Action Roleplay (LARP) tomorrow, so stick around for that.

Painting Points:
Today: 3
This Week: 13
2024: 56

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