Saturday 28 September 2024

At Last, The Servants Of Darkness Skitter From The Tombs...

...and other such melodramatic titles. I couldn't sleep very well last night so I got up at about 4am and finished the ghouls, then after I slept I did a bit on the Tomb Kings carrion. I'm thinking about maybe doing some of my Mordheim stuff after I finish up the carrion, but I do have those Quar Royalists to sort out, as well as a lot of other stuff in the pile of opportunity, so we'll see what happens. 

Anyway here's some pictures:

Ten skirmishing ghouls in various poses

And the rear view, showing off the loincloths and various skin details

As I said yesterday I quite enjoyed these minis in the end, but I definitely want fresh paints if I'm going to do any more of them any time soon. I've had a wee gander at the Bad Squiddo Games' ghouls, although I think I'll need to be careful about which ones to get as not all of them have human feet (!).

Carrion on the painting table thing

These carrion are definitely going to be a pain in the arse to get done, mainly because the initial base coats just aren't going on smoothly. The test one is working OK but it remains to be seen how much detail I can coax out of it. I've resorted to drowning the bastard thing in Agrax Earthshade to cover a multitude of sins and that seems to have worked which is good. Just have to replicate that on the other two then go in and pick out the highlights and stuff.

Painting Points:
Today: 10
This Week: 15
2024: 80

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