Many years ago when I was at university, in the dim and distant past when 4th Edition 40K was the current thing, I had and ran a Deathwing army that I painted up as Righteous Fists 1st Company. It was reasonably successful, although I do remember one game where an Eldar Exarch single-handedly annihilated my Assault Terminator squad along with the accompanying Chaplain in a single round of combat. Mind you, such defeats were offset by quite a few victories, and the 2+/5+ save was a heady change from the 4+ and 5+ of my usual Imperial Guard armies. Alas, a few years later when I was poor and needed money I ended up selling that army, and thought no more of the Deathwing until the release of 6th Edition 40K and its starter set with Dark Angels, which included a Dark Angel Terminator Squad.
The boxed set starter squad on the right, and the multipart Deathwing squad I got shortly after on the left.
I got hold of it, and then it sat around for a while, and then I slowly painted it. I didn't want to do Dark Angels specifically, so I had a flick through their successor chapters for a colour scheme that I liked the look of. I eventually settled on the Angels of Redemption, with a nice half-and-half green and bone paintjob, and painted them up. Then I added another squad, and that was how it was for a few more years...
...until GW announced they were going to be updating their Terminator models! I knew that the new ones would be larger and wouldn't fit alongside my two existing squads, so at the end of last year I picked up all the squads I needed for the army itself. Then, in the early part of this year, I painted them up - and here is the retrospective of the army so far:
Second Cyclone MLRS squad showing Cyclone Terminator and Sergeant at front
Second Cyclone MLRS squad showing the three standard Terminators at front
Second Assault Cannon squad with heavy weapon Terminator and Sergeant at front, standard Terminators at rear
Command Squad, with Apothecary (rear left), Company Standard (centre rear), Terminator with lightning claws (rear right), Sergeant with thunder hammer and storm shield (front left), and Terminator with heavy flamer (front right)
Company Master with thunder hammer and storm shield, front view
Detail view of the storm shield
Rear view of the company master
Converted Blood Angels Terminator Librarian - I still need to do something with that blank shoulder pad...
Rear of the Librarian
I still have two Dreadnoughts half painted, but functionally I have a 4th Edition Deathwing army - Company Master, Librarian, Terminator Command Squad, and four squads of Terminators. A friend of mine has 3D printed two Dreadnought Drop Pods for me, so when I get my hands on them I'll finish the Dreadnoughts and that'll be the full force. No Land Raiders because the idea is the whole thing just Deep Strikes in all the time.
This, by the way, is a long-winded way of saying "didn't do any painting today"! Who knows, I might get those Crusaders finished tomorrow...
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