Thursday 5 September 2024

What's On My Workbench

Last weekend Games Workshop released the first lot of miniatures and the Arcane Journal for Chaos Warriors and forces in The Old World. Inspired by a post I saw on Facebook, I rummaged around in my pile of opportunity and found the Darkoath models I had kicking about that were, in theory, for Warcry (which I never play) and with a bit of judicious knife and clipper work rebased them onto 25mm squares to form the basis for what will, eventually, be a Wolves of the Sea army. Why?


That's a new character, Frydaal the Chainmaker. She's a raider queen who brings various marauders from the Chaos Wastes south down the Sea of Claws to raid along the north-western coasts of the Empire, fighting down into Marienburg and even north-eastern Bretonnia.

Well, that's me sold!

So this is the putative beginning of an army led by her (which is very unusual for me, I really tend to avoid named Special Characters):

From left to right, we have five Marauders with great weapons, a Level 4 Wizard, four Marauders with hand weapons and shields, a Level 2 Wizard, and four Marauder Berserkers with two hand weapons. These minis are a combination of Warcry, Age of Sigmar, and Underworlds miniatures. I'm going to bulk them out with the (relatively) new Darkoath figures from the Age of Sigmar range, and Frydaal's bodyguard of Chosen Chaos Warriors will probably also be from the newer Age of Sigmar Chaos range.

And because I only had a little bit of time today to do some painting, I did something reasonably simple and quick that was set off by my retrospective post the other day:

Yep, it's painting some Penitent Engines in  Boltgun Metal  - er, sorry, Leadbelcher! The Night Goblin characters are looming at me menacingly but honestly I'm not hugely enthused about painting them right now.

Right, Tomb Kings stuff as promised:

Tomb Swarms! These are massive floods of scarabs, scorpions, and various semi-coherent skeletons from within the tombs of the Red City's necropolis

Rear view. I quite enjoyed picking out the scorpions!

Ushabti with Ritual Blades

Rear view showing off the skulls and tattered cloth robes

Ushabti with great bows, for when you really absolutely want something dead

Showing off the front...

...and the rear!

Still in the queue are three Carrion and a Casket of Souls. I probably need a couple of Screaming Skull Catapults and a Bone Giant, and then there's the Tomb Scorpions and... well. You get the problem. You know. You understand.

And that's that for today! Oh, you can find me on Bolter & Chainsword now as The_Worker.

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