Wednesday 4 September 2024

In The Name Of The Queen!

I return from the cold northern wastes of the Firth of Clyde to once again post some stuff. I haven't done any new painting so here are photos of my Tomb Kings army that I'm working on for Warhammer Fantasy: The Old World, the new edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battle. I've not actually played any games with it yet, but - you know - baby steps.

Queen Hapshetsida's Royal Host:

Queen Hapshetsida, the Undying and Divine Monarch, Priest Queen of the Red City:

Queen Hapshetsida and her pet cat, Ndjem

Rear view, showing the cloak (and scarabs!)

Itetaten, Royal Herald of the Queen, Bearer of the Standard of the Host:

The banner is made from a wide variety of bits and Itetaten himself is an old metal Tomb Guard I had lying around!

Rear view

Ptah-um-Setek, Hierophant, High Liche Priest of the Red City:

I made Ptah-um-Setek out of parts from the Tomb King on Bone Dragon kit

Rear view


Weret-Hekau, Liche Priest of the Red City:

Much like Itetaten I had a metal Tomb Priest kicking around so that became Weret-Hekau

Rear view

Edifis’ Scarab Guard of the Red City:


They deploy with Queen Hapshetsida and Itetaten hence the short front rank

Shields - bronze and gold, in deliberate contrast to the ones used by everyone else

Artifis’ Chosen of the Crocodile:

Cowhide shields!

Exlibris’ Chosen of the Scorpion:

Cowhide shields... but black and white instead of brown and white!

Krukhut’s Eastern Watch:


Very simple paintjobs on all these archers

 Ekonomikrisis’ Tower Guard:

An axe to break up the khopesh supremacy

Mintjulep’s Company of the Snake:

Back to a khopesh for Mintjulep

Prefis’ Storm Riders:

Plain white cowhide shields for the elite cavalry regiment

Sethisbakup’s Eyes of the Eagle:

Some scouts and harassers - an auxilia from a different culture with bronze helms

Ptenisnet’s Riders of Ptra, the Chosen of the Queen:

Chariots! A full command that is also the entire unit. Fast, mobile, hard hitting




Top down view showing the army in its box - 1,999 points of bones!

OK, it's not the most effective Tomb Kings army ever, but it is characterful and captures what I was trying to do, which is make a sort of Bronze Age style army really drawing even more heavily on the Ancient Egyptian styling of the faction. I have added to it since, and have a couple more units in the painting queue for it too - and will probably end up getting the remaining types of units too.

I'll pop photos of the other, newer units for this army up tomorrow. Toodle-pip!




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