Sunday 22 September 2024

Grandmother Nurgle's Blessings

So my victory over the Goliaths last Monday came at quite a high cost...


This is probably the third or fourth time I've had it, including a bout before it was officially in the country. I am trying not to get it, but honestly I suspect this is mostly my fault for not wearing an N95 mask, which I will be doing in future.

So I haven't really been feeling capable of very much, but last night I did pick up a piece of cardboard packaging I'd hung onto thinking "this could be something fun" along with a paper straw and some card and made...

A factory! It's for Battletech, so the scale is 6mm (which is teeny), and the odd shape is because, um, future architecture. Or something. So there. I spent a few moments today slapping a base coat of paint onto it, so now it looks like this:

Next step is to touch up anything I missed, then give it some hefty drybrushing. I had considered making some solar panelling for it but then why would it have four big vent stacks? Or maybe I should just make the solar panels anyway. We'll see.

Not a lot but it's something at least. Hopefully I'll be well enough to do more on it soon.

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